GRB provides a number of specialized accounts including:
Lease Security Deposit Accounts
If you’re a landlord or manage residential properties, you know that managing tenant lease security deposits is time consuming. Open an interest-bearing lease security deposit account with GRB to help comply with state and federal regulations. We can help answer your questions and make it faster and easier to administer your tenant lease security deposits by helping to set up new accounts and managing deposits and withdrawals. Of course, you maintain access to your account and authorize all withdrawals to ensure everything remains secure.
Contact our Cash Management Team for information on these products.
IOLA Accounts
The New York State Interest on Lawyer Account Fund (“IOLA”) helps low income people in New York State obtain help with civil legal problems affecting their most basic needs, such as food, shelter, jobs and access to health care. IOLA accounts are a type of attorney escrow account in which lawyers can pool the small (or briefly-held) deposits of multiple clients. GRB is a participating bank approved by the Fund to open IOLA accounts.