Home > Charitable Request Information Form Charitable Request Information Form Please tell us a little more about your organization and what you do for the community.Organization* What is the mission of the organization?*Name* Phone* Email* Your Relationship to the Organization* Organization Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Organization Phone*Organization Leadership and Board Members*Who is served by the organization? (click all that apply).* Adults Children Elderly Families Teens Other Please provide any additional information about the population served by the organization (optional). What services are provided by the organization? (click on all that apply). Basic services (food, clothing, shelter) Life skills (maximizing potential, education, job training, etc.) Health services (research, care, counseling) Community enrichment (arts, music, theater) Other services provided by the organization not covered above (optional). Percentage of Low-to-moderate Income people served by the organization0 to 25%26 to 50%51 to 75%More than 75%Do you have volunteer opportunities available with your organization? If so, please describe them below. If you provide volunteer opportunities online, include the website link.Upload the Organization's W9Max. file size: 1 GB.CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ